Thankfully it didn’t break! A young man and (maybe) his grandfather, stood looking at this glass floor, so, encouraged by them, I ventured (tentatively) on to it. Scary! Even though I knew it would hold my weight! It was on the rooftop viewing gallery of a shopping Mall/cafe from where we had an excellent view ovee the town of Aalborg.

After a walk round the block with Mona (Signe’s little Dachshund), we started our visit to the town centre, with a visit to the site of a Middle Ages, Franciscan Monastery, under the streets of Aalborg.

Then for a coffee and cake and up to the rooftop viewing gallery.

A short walk round to see the Cathedral, but there was a wedding service on, so we couldn’t go in. Instead we headed to a Monastery and Convent, now converted to appartments.

We then returned to the Cathedral, just as the wedding party was leaving. Quickly stepped inside, but then realised there was a second wedding in 20 minutes, so we made our escape.

Back to Signe’s for lunch, another Mona walk, and on to the Art Gallery.

The sun came out as we arrived back at Signe’s, so a glass of wine in the garden was a fitting end to our day.